Security Label & Security Code
Some people may ask the difference between Security Label and Security Code, and what are the connections in between.
Security Labels are also known as Anti-Counterfeiting Labels or Security Seal. The usage or functions are to perform as a media to avoid duplication or being transferred from attached objects to counterfeits. In other words, it is to ensure the sealed item is not opened by others or to prove the item is authentic.
Security codes are also known as digital codes. It is a type of Digital Anti-Counterfeiting Solution. The Security Code is normally covered under a silver coating. It can be a series of alphanumeric codes in black or other colors. Security Label is the carrier of the Security Code, and Security Codes will perform as a unique access code linked with the authentication platform. The Security Code or Digital Anti-Counterfeiting Technique can be used for Authenticity Checking, Loyalty Point Program, Data Collection, etc.
In order to achieve a better security effect, there will be other images, wordings or other physical anti-counterfeiting techniques added on the label to indicate the authenticity of the product. Examples of images and wordings to be added can be a graphical hologram, company logo or brand logo, contact number, websites & official platform, and etc. As for other physical Anti-Counterfeiting Techniques, we can add Microporous Membrane and Precise Holograms to create barriers and avoid others from duplicating the label and codes. Security code is hidden under silver coating until consumers scratch off or peel off the coating and input it into the authentication platform to check authenticity.
Nutrack provides Anti-Counterfeiting Solutions including Physical & Digital Anti-Counterfeiting Solutions. With a combination of both Physical & Digital Anti-Counterfeiting Techniques, it not only brings convenience for consumers to check authenticity but also ensures that the codes are not duplicable. Contact us today for a free consultation.