Hologram Label or hologram stickers are also known as Laser Holographic Label or Laser Anti-Counterfeiting Label or Laser Security Label. It is the most widely used and most well-known Anti-Counterfeiting products in the history of Anti-Counterfeiting Development.
Living a healthy life is very much important and different people do different kind of sports that suits their lifestyle. When it comes to cycling, it does require quite a hefty amount of money to take care of their bicycle.
Many local skincare contains mercury in order for people to get fairer skin. The skincare you are using now might ruin your skin later, here are some tips we have for you in order to check if it is safe for your skin or not.
Whenever feeling sick or even a bit under the weather, most people would go buy Panadol to make themselves feel better. If a medicine that is often bought is being counterfeited, what illness would be infected to us?
Created by two different lasers encoded holographic and imprint precisely within a predefined area. Created by specialized devices with advanced process technology to achieve the purpose of effective counterfeiting prevention and easy identification.